Summer Daily Menu

Many people asked me about a menu for a day.

I put together a sample menu for summer. I selected cooking styles as well as grains, beans and vegetables that mostly suited to nourish your organs during hot summer days. The menu consists of lightly cooked, easily digested foods which will help your body to balance normal temperature, not get overheated while providing plenty of nutrients.


quinoa sauteed veggies


pumpkin seeds

LUNCH – EASY to take to work

Tabouleh saladhummusPeach


In case you feel hungry and want to eat something small between lunch and dinner – 1/2 cup of almonds or walnuts is a healthy option


beet soup

Tofu barley green beanswatermelon


Health Tip** For some people summer is associated with barbecue in the middle of a hot day. Eating grilled meat is very stringent for the heart and other organs. Liver gets overheated. People might experience excessive sweating and have hard time being outside to enjoy the sunny day. Refrain from barbecued meat could make a surprising pleasant shift to being able withstand 85+F much more comfortable and easy.