Collard Apple Salad

Organic / Kosher / Vegan / Grain Free / Parve / Gluten Free / Sugar Free

Blanched collard CollardAppleSalad_300salad with gala apples, parsley, sesame seeds, and peanuts.

This salad is energized addition to a breakfast porridge or a refreshing side dish to satiating grain meal for lunch.

This salad could be enjoyed as a light late dinner on a hot summer day.

You can’t go wrong with this healthy easy to make salad 🙂


2 leaves organic collard greens and stems

1 quarter raw organic gala apple

1/4 cup minced organic parsley

1/4 cup peanuts

1/8 cup toasted sesame seeds


Freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with a few drops of brown rice vinegar, a few drops of soy sauce and a tea spoon of peanut oil.

Cooking Instructions for blanched collard:

Wash and check collard. Cut the stems off. Put stems in a pot with boiling water and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the hot water and let cool off. Put collard leaves one by one in the boiling water for 30 seconds.

Slice blanched collard stems, collard leaves, apples, parsley and mix together. Sprinkle with roasted peanuts and sesame seeds. Add dressing and enjoy!


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